About the Wiki[Alt]Med corpus
The Wiki[Alt]Med corpus is designed to allow investigation of discourses circulating within Wikipedia's medicine and health-related content, with a particular focus on the ways in which Wikipedians discuss distinctions between 'scientific' and 'alternative' forms of medicine.
The corpus currently contains:
All 100 articles in Wikipedia’s ‘Top Importance Medical Articles’ category (642,135 tokens)
333 articles categorised by the Wikipedia community as relevant to ‘Alternative Medicine’ (652,704 tokens)
Ancillary ‘Talk page’ discussion forums associated with all of the above encyclopedia articles - e.g. Talk:Acupuncture (20.2 million tokens)
Metadata facilitating combination of wide-angle analysis of corpus with close reading of text in its original context on the Wikipedia platform
Once fully complete the project corpus will be available to download from this site.